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Great Beer Wins!
Pombe ensures that beer enthusiasts never miss an opportunity to enjoy their favorite beer.

Rate and review your favorite beer in Pombe and see what others are saying about it. Foursquare location information on check-ins helps get the word out about where to find great beer. Connect with friends and discuss beers within the app. Additionally, you may opt-in to post check-ins to Facebook, Twitter, and Untappd.

Pombe continues to support craft beer events around the country. Let Pombe help you create a wish list ahead of attending an event and then guide you to your beers. Use Pombes check-in feature to track your tastings and interact with other event attendees. You will always be able to access past events, as well as plan for future events.

We have big plans for Pombe. Soon we will add notifications when your watch-list beers are available near you; simple and full featured tasting style reviews; integration with restaurants, more events, breweries and retail outlets.

Current Features:
- Beer/Brewery search with details and RateBeer scores
- Beer check-in with Foursquare-supported location, user reviews, and social integration
- Connect with friends to discuss your favorite beer
- Multiple beer event support
- Event map with beer and wish list filtering by area
- Event calendar integration
- Wishlist generation for the available beers at events
- Watchlist generation for beers you are on the lookout for
- View others wishlists and watchlists to see what theyre looking forward to
- Linking to social accounts for Facebook, Twitter and Untappd